Fertilization Mechanisms and Zygotic Genome Activation

Dec. 08, 2017

Research Seminar
Title: Fertilization Mechanisms and Zygotic Genome Activation
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Thomas Dresselhaus
Cell Biology & Plant Biochemistry
University of Regensburg 
Time: 13:00-14:30, Dec. 8, 2017
Location: Youcai Deng Hall,School of Life Sciences(生科院邓祐才报告厅)
Host: Lijia Qu
The past three decades have shown that the molecular mechanisms regulating and underlying numerous physiological and vegetative developmental processes are well conserved among plant species and Arabidopsis served as an excellent model to understand various processes at the mechanistic level. However, development of reproductive organs and fertilization mechanisms appear more family- or even species-specific and thus require studying additional systems. We use maize as a monocot and grass model and I will highlight morphological and mechanistic differences comparing both plant species. The analysis of various genes involved in germline development, pollen adhesion and penetration, pollen tube growth and guidance as well as double fertilization and onset of embryo development will be presented. Some genes with key functions for fertilization and egg activation in maize lack homologs in Arabidopsis and support the notion to focus more research efforts on other plant species.

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