Targeting Ubiquitin Ligases: Hormones, Metabolites, and New Therapeutic Drugs

Dec. 15, 2017

Research Seminar
Title: Targeting Ubiquitin Ligases: Hormones, Metabolites, and New Therapeutic Drugs
Speaker: Ning Zheng, Ph.D
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Department of Pharmacology
University of Washington
Time: 13:00-14:30, Dec. 15, 2017
Location: Youcai Deng Hall,School of Life Sciences(生科院邓祐才报告厅)
Host:Ning Gao
Ubiquitination is a widespread form of protein post-translational modification, which regulates diverse biological pathways in eukaryote cells. Ubiquitin ligases catalyze the final step of ubiquitin conjugation to specific substrates and are widely considered as the next generation therapeutic targets.  Extensive efforts in discovering ubiquitin ligase inhibitors, however, failed in both academia and industry over the past two decades. This presentation will focus on how advances in plant biology have taught us an important lesson in the "pharmacology" of protein ubiquitination, which pointed to a completely unexpected direction in developing drugs harnessing the power of ubiquitin ligases.

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