Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Elaboration of Neural Connectivity
Jun. 15, 2018
Research Seminar
Title: Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Elaboration of Neural Connectivity
Speaker: Alex L. Kolodkin, Ph.D.
Charles J. Homcy and Simeon G. Margolis Professor
Solomon H. Snyder Dept. of Neuroscience
Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Time: 13:00-14:30, June 15, 2018
Location: Youcai Deng Hall,School of Life Sciences
Host:Yulong Li
Neural connectivity and morphology are regulated by a wide range of extracellular and intracellular mechanisms during development and in the adult nervous system. We have recently investigated cues that regulate laminar organization of neural projections in both the vertebrate visual system and the Drosophila central brain. Further, it is becoming apparent that related guidance cues also regulate of synaptic plasticity. I will discuss our efforts to define signaling events that influence connectivity and plasticity, with a focus on semaphorin-mediated regulation of neural lamination and homeostatic plasticity.
Neural connectivity and morphology are regulated by a wide range of extracellular and intracellular mechanisms during development and in the adult nervous system. We have recently investigated cues that regulate laminar organization of neural projections in both the vertebrate visual system and the Drosophila central brain. Further, it is becoming apparent that related guidance cues also regulate of synaptic plasticity. I will discuss our efforts to define signaling events that influence connectivity and plasticity, with a focus on semaphorin-mediated regulation of neural lamination and homeostatic plasticity.