Improved green and red GRAB sensors for monitoring dopaminergic activity in vivo

Dec. 01, 2023

Prof. Yulong Li published a paper in Nature Methods.

Dopamine (DA) plays multiple roles in a wide range of physiological and pathological processes via a large network of dopaminergic projections. To dissect the spatiotemporal dynamics of DA release in both dense and sparsely innervated brain regions, we developed a series of green and red fluorescent G-protein-coupled receptor activation-based DA (GRABDA) sensors using a variety of DA receptor subtypes. These sensors have high sensitivity, selectivity and signal-to-noise ratio with subsecond response kinetics and the ability to detect a wide range of DA concentrations. We then used these sensors in mice to measure both optogenetically evoked and behaviorally relevant DA release while measuring neurochemical signaling in the nucleus accumbens, amygdala and cortex. Using these sensors, we also detected spatially resolved heterogeneous cortical DA release in mice performing various behaviors. These next-generation GRABDA sensors provide a robust set of tools for imaging dopaminergic activity under a variety of physiological and pathological conditions.

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