Postdoctoral positions
Postdoc positions are available in the Champer lab at Peking University in the School of Life Sciences and the joint Center for Life Sciences. Jackson Champer is scheduled to open the lab in early 2021.
The main initial topic of the lab will be CRISPR gene drive. This type of allele can bias inheritance in its favor, potentially allowing it to spread throughout a population. There are many possible applications, such as spreading genes in mosquitoes that prevent transmission of malaria, dengue, and other diseases. Populations of pests such as invasive species can even be directly suppressed by a gene drive. The lab will likely be pursuing additional related topics in the near future.
Work in the lab will be both experimental and computational. Here are examples from the PI’s recent postdoc work.
Experimental paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-14960-3
Computational paper: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/769810v1
For a links to the PI’s CV, published papers, and previous students, see:
Entering postdocs can be experimental or computational, though individuals interested in both areas are also welcome. Our initial lab goals will be:
1. To develop new types of gene drives using fruit flies as a model organism.
2. To develop highly efficient gene drives that avoid “resistance” to the drive in mosquitoes.
3. To use computational modeling to assess how well gene drives will actually perform in real-world environments.
The general lab philosophy is to provide a friendly and supportive environment to help individuals be productive and achieve their career goals. Previous students have been coauthors on many of my publications (see website).
All applicants should have adequate English skills, since this is currently the PI’s only language. It is desired that experimental postdocs have experience in molecular cloning and either fly or mosquito handling. Computational postdocs should have a solid background in at least one programming language, such as python, R, or C++, and preferably experience in population modeling with simulations.
To apply for a position, please send your CV/resume and a cover letter to Jackson Champer (jc3248@cornell.edu). Applicants with fellowships should mention this in their application. Applicants may optionally also send a short project proposal (which may be particularly important if applicants do not have experience in any of the stated areas). Questions about the lab and the position are welcome.