题目:From single species conservation to sustainable development
演讲人:WANG Fang,Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Michigan State University
Global sustainability challenges, from maintaining biodiversity to providing clean air and water, are closely interconnected yet often separately studied and managed. To solve these challenges, I focused my research interests on introducing new frameworks and tools to reveal the complex connections among coupled human and natural systems. I have designed the first decision-support framework to evaluate landscape options for giant panda corridor establishment, which integrated landscape ecology, behavioral biology and socio-economic theories. I revealed the complex interactions among mammalian species in southwest China, and was able to correct previously reported patterns of human-wildlife conflicts. I reported the first example of species’ tolerance to climate constraints in Qinling Mountains, which improved the current paradigm for climate change mitigation policies. More recently, I designed and led three large-scale surveys in China, and measured the role of large-scale environmental and socio-economical changes (e.g. conservation compensation, labor migration) on biodiversity, human wellbeing, poverty eradication, and nature reserve effectiveness. With empirical researches that linking human and natural systems, my research yields an understanding of how to enhance the synergetic effects among conservation and development in this changing world.