1978-1982 Undergraduate student in the Department of Biology.
Hangzhou University, China, B.S.
1982-1983 CUSBEA student, Graduate student in Shanghai Institute of Plant
Physiology, Shanghai, China
1983-1989 Graduate student in the Department of Biochemistry,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, Ph.D. (Dec.17, 89)
(Biochemistry, Mentor: Henry Weiner)
1989-1991 Post doctoral fellow in the Department of Biochemistry, Purdue University (Mentor, Jack Dixon)
1992-1996 Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Chemistry, University of Michigan
1996-2000 Associate professor, Department of Biological Chemistry, University of Michigan
2003-2007 Research professor, Life Sciences Institute, University of Michigan
DNA encoding an 18 kD cdk6 inhibitor protein, Ser. No. 08/482,069
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases arising from defects in the tuberous sclerosis pathway, US patent 7169594 (issued January 30, 2007); Foreign patent references WO93/19752
Panel member of the NSF cell biology study section, 1995-1999
Editorial board member, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1997-2002
Editorial board member, Biological Signals and Receptors. 1999-2002
Editorial board member, Experimental & Mol. Medicine, 2005-
Editorial board member, JMCB, 2009-
Editorial board member, Cell Research, 2009-
NIH Study Section, Molecular Biology (Ad Hoc), 1998
NIH Study Section, CDF-3, 1999-2003
Reviewer member, National Natural Science Foundation, China, 2003-2006
Ad Hoc Reviewer for NCI Laboratory of Immunobiology, Oct.1-3, 2003; LIRR study section, Oct. 18, 2005
Ad Hoc Reviewer for DOD, Oct 15, 2003; April, 2005
Session Chair or Organizer for FASEB Summer Conference, Gordon Research Conference, Cold Spring Harbor Phosphorylation Meeting, Ray Wu Society meeting, Salk Institute Protein Phosphorylation Meeting, ASBMB Annual meetings, Keystone Symposium