/ 老版新葡萄8883官网 / 通知公告
1. 国内外大学或研究单位的博士毕业生(毕业5年以内)(临近毕业的博士生也可提出申请,但在博士后进站时需按照国家规定提供相关证书);
2. 已被北京大学所有与生命科学及相关交叉学科实验室的合作导师同意接收为博士后,或北京大学所有与生命科学及相关交叉学科实验室内已在站博士后;
3. 在生命科学相关研究领域做出过出色成果, 具有独立科研工作能力,学术发展潜力优异,具备良好的学术道德和团队合作精神。
1. 申请者可随时提交申请材料*1;
2. 生命科学联合中心博士后委员会根据两校博士后进站时间,并根据程序,一年两次(3月份和9月份)对申请人进行材料评审与面试;
3. 请将相关申请材料提交至:
4. 2014年度第二批申请,截止日期为2014年8月31日,请有意申请者注意在截止日期前递交申请材料,并请相关合作导师积极推荐博士后或博士后候选人的申请。
1. 生命联合中心博士后基金申请信息简表(附件1);
2. 个人简历和主要研究成果介绍;
3. 博士后期间研究计划;
4. 博士后的合作导师推荐意见(请注意此项为申请者申请生命中心优秀博士后基金的前提和必须条件,并在信中明确是否已确定接收申请人为本人的博士后,是否已有所在院系的博士后名额);
5. 两封专家推荐信;
6. 代表性文章(或其它成果)全文。
Postdoctoral Foundation Application at Center for Life Sciences in 2014
Postdoctoral Foundation opens for postdoctoral fellowship at Center for Life Sciences.
As a pilot program of the National Plan for Education Development and Reform and an integral part of the Chinese efforts to build first-rate universities, the Center aims to nurture excellence in research and higher education by providing a supportive and stimulating environment for its fellow scientists.
The Postdoctoral Foundation offers internationally competitive stipend to creative and self-motivated individuals who have demonstrated a strong record of high-quality research in relevant disciplines. Academic integrity and team-work spirit are expected.
Applicants should have received a Ph.D., M.D., M.D. /Ph.D., or another terminal degree within the last five years.
Application materials should include: 1) Attachment 1-Application Form; 2) current CV and a summary of past research accomplishment; 3) a plan for future research; 4) a recommendation letter written by the intended postdoctoral advisor at Tsinghua or Peking University (can be from any interdisciplinary lab, and NOT limited to Medical School or School of Life Sciences.); 5) letters of reference from two individuals who are familiar with the applicant’s past research and future potentials; 6) representative publications (PDF files preferred).
Applications are accepted before August 31st in 2014. For applicants whose intended postdoctoral advisors are in Tsinghua University, please submit application materials to Ms. Hong Zhang (zhanghong@biomed.tsinghua.edu.cn). For those whose intended advisors are in Peking University, applications should be submitted to Mr. Xiaoming Zhang (xmzh@pku.edu.cn).